Results for 'Francis Knight Ballaine'

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  1.  8
    The relations between wisdom and science: illustrations of the history of a distinction.Francis Knight Ballaine - 1936 - New York,: New York.
  2.  11
    Francis Knight Ballaine 1906-1964.C. W. G. - 1965 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 39:114 - 115.
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    Intelligence and Democratic Action. Frank H. Knight.Francis Golffing - 1961 - Ethics 71 (3):224-226.
  4.  25
    The view from gadshill.Francis Edward Sparshott - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (2):398-411.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The View from GadshillFrancis SparshottII once had a furious confrontation with that learned and passionate scholar, the late Milton C. Nahm. He had been giving a paper that involved Falstaff—I forget how, but it included the familiar appeal to the fat knight as the comic spirit of untrammelled life, so that the newly crowned Hal’s final repudiation—“I know thee not, old man”—chills the audience as a denial of (...)
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    The Strategies of TranslationSir Gawain and the Green Knight.Francis Lee Utley, Constance Hieatt & Walter Lorraine - 1969 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 3 (4):137.
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  6. Educationa Studies.Joanne Bronars, Jianping Shen, Don Martin Robert J. Beebe, Edward J. Power Jane Gaskell, Clinton B. Allison C. J. B. MacMillan, George R. Knight Samuel Totten, Robert D. Heslep Joseph S. Malikail, S. Pike Hall Dennis L. Carlson, Demise Twohey Thomas A. Brindley & Francis Schrag Thomas P. Thomas - 1993 - Educational Studies 24 (2):101.
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    The Book of Troy and the Genealogical Construction of History: The Case of Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia regum Britanniae.Francis Ingledew - 1994 - Speculum 69 (3):665-704.
    Sometime in 1355 the Northumbrian knight Sir Thomas Gray, meditating an ambition to write a history of England during his imprisonment by the Scots in Edinburgh, dreamed a dream. In it a Sibyl appears, to tutor him in his historical project. She takes him to a ladder leaning against a high wall in an orchard. As he climbs each of four rungs, he sees, through an opening in the wall, Walter, archdeacon of Exeter; Bede; the author of the Polychronicon (...)
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  8. The architect's brain: neuroscience, creativity, and architecture.Harry Francis Mallgrave - 2010 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Introduction -- Historical essays -- The humanist brain : Alberti, Vitruvius, and Leonardo -- The enlightened brain : Perrault, Laugier, and Le Roy -- The sensational brain : Burke, Price, and Knight -- The transcendental brain : Kant and Schopenhauer -- The animate brain : Schinkel, Bötticher, and Semper -- The empathetic brain : Vischer, Wölfflin, and Göller -- The gestalt brain : the dynamics of the sensory field -- The neurological brain : Hayek, Hebb, and Neutra -- The (...)
  9.  63
    The Psychology of Intelligence.Rex Knight, Jean Piaget, M. Piercy & D. E. Berlyne - 1951 - Philosophical Quarterly 1 (5):470.
    First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    W. H. Brock & A. J. Meadows. The Lamp of Learning. Taylor & Francis and the Development of Science Publishing. London: Taylor & Francis, 1984. Pp. xvi + 240. ISBN 0-85066-253-2. £15.00. [REVIEW]David Knight - 1986 - British Journal for the History of Science 19 (3):365-366.
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    Film Art from the Analytic Perspective.Deborah Knight - 2019 - In Noël Carroll, Laura T. Di Summa & Shawn Loht, The Palgrave Handbook of the Philosophy of Film and Motion Pictures. Springer. pp. 357-379.
    This chapter examines the emergence of a distinctively analytic approach to film as art. I begin with an overview of Berys Gaut’s claim that the philosophy of film art is, roughly speaking, organized around three levels of analysis: the film medium; film narrative and aesthetics; and philosophical themes that emerge in films. Next I trace the emergence of an analytic philosophy of film as art in the work of Alexander Sesonske and Francis Sparshott. Sesonske and Sparshott each draw attention (...)
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    Book Review: The Pleasure of the Play. [REVIEW]Deborah Knight - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (1):272-274.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Pleasure of the PlayDeborah KnightThe Pleasure of the Play, by Bert O. States; 226 pp. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1994, $34.50, cloth, $12.95, paper.I am an Aristotelian about narrative structure. This is not always a fashionable position, and in some company I know just what to expect: a pop deconstructivist dressing down by those who assume that I must have simply missed the point of poststructuralism and (...)
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    The Knight in History : Francis Gies , xv + 255pp., $16.95. [REVIEW]Cary Nederman - 1986 - History of European Ideas 7 (6):689-689.
  14.  24
    Alan Stewart with Harriet Knight , The Oxford Francis Bacon, vol. 1: Early Writings, 1584–1596. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2012. Pp. lxi + 1066. ISBN 978-0-19-818313-6. £210.00. [REVIEW]James Everest - 2013 - British Journal for the History of Science 46 (3):522-523.
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    Memories and studies.William James - 1911 - St. Clair Shores, Mich.,: Scholarly Press.
    Louis Agassiz.--Address at the Emerson Centenary in Concord.--Robert Gould Shaw.--Francis Boott.--Thomas Davidson: a knight-errant of the intellectual life.--Herbert Spencer's autobiography.--Frederick Myers' services to psychology.--Final impressions of a psychical researcher.--On some mental effects of the earthquake.--The energies of men.--The moral equivalent of war.--Remarks at the peace banquet.--The social value of the college-bred.--The university and the individual: The Ph.D. octopus. The true Harvard. Stanford's ideal destiny.--A pluralistic mystic.
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    Did Marx have an ethics?Mark Corner - 1986 - Heythrop Journal 27 (4):438–441.
    Signs and Wonders: A Commentary on the Book of Daniel. By R.A. Anderson. Pp.xvii, 158, Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans; Edinburgh, The Handsel Press, 1983, £4.25. Inheriting the Land: A Commentary on the Book of Joshua. By E. John Hamlin, Pp.xxiii, 207, Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans; Edinburgh, The Handsel Press, 1984, £4.75. Servant Theology: A Commentary on the Book of Isaiah 40–55. By G.A.F. Knight. Pp.ix, 204, Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans; Edinburgh, The Handsel Press, 1984, £4.75. God's (...)
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    The humanist outlook.Alfred Jules Ayer - 1968 - London,: Pemberton; Barrie & Rockliff.
    El editor reúne a distintos miembros de la Advisory Council of the British Humanist Association para escribir sobre conceptos, tales como la moralidad, la educación moral, la ética, los medios de comunicación, la muerte o el futuro. Algunos de estos autores son: Cyril Bibby, Raymond Firth, Margaret Knight, Lord Francis Williams, Antony Flew, Peter Henderson, James Hemming, Morris Ginsberg, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Lord Boyd Orr, Kathleen Nott, Brigid Brophy, Cristopher Longuet-Higgins, Kingsley Martin, P. Sargant Florence, Theodore Besterman, F.A.E. Crew, (...)
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  18. By Frank H. Knight.Frank H. Knight - 1946 - Ethics 57:199.
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    Risk, Uncertainty and Profit.Frank H. Knight - 1921 - University of Chicago Press.
    Role of the entrepreneur in a distinct role of profit.
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    Explaining Economic Change: The Interplay Between Cognition and Institutions: Jack Knight and Douglass North.Jack Knight - 1997 - Legal Theory 3 (3):211-226.
    Economic theory is built on assumptions about human behavior—assumptions embodied in rational-choice theory. Underlying these assumptions are implicit notions about how we think and learn. These implicit notions are fundamentally important to social explanation. The very plausibility of the explanations that we develop out of rational-choice theory rests crucially on the accuracy of these notions about cognition and rationality. But there is a basic problem: There is often very little relationship between the assumptions that rational-choice theorists make and the way (...)
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  21. Spinoza; 4 Essays, by Land [and Others, Tr. By A. Menzies and Others] Ed. By Prof. Knight.William Angus Knight, Jan Pieter N. Land & Allan Menzies - 1882
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    The works of Francis Bacon.Francis Bacon & James Spedding - 1857 - St. Clair Shores, Mich.,: Scholarly Press. Edited by James Spedding, Robert Leslie Ellis & Douglas Denon Heath.
    THE LIFE Of FRANCIS BACON, LORD HIGH CHANCELLOR OF ENGLAND. THE ancient Egyptians had a law, which ordained that the actions and characters of their dead ...
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    After the end of history: conversations with Francis Fukuyama.Francis Fukuyama - 2021 - Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. Edited by Mathilde C. Fasting.
    Francis Fukuyama is one of the most significant political theorists of the past thirty years. Bursting into public awareness in 1989 with his provocative thesis about "the end of history," Fukuyama has made fascinating contributions to a wide range of subjects - the importance of trust in societies, the potential dangers of biotechnology, the development of political authority and the modern state, and most recently, the role of identity in politics. This book records a series of conversations with Fukuyama (...)
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  24. Luck Egalitarianism: Equality, Responsibility, and Justice.Carl Knight - 2009 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    How should we decide which inequalities between people are justified, and which are unjustified? One answer is that such inequalities are only justified where there is a corresponding variation in responsible action or choice on the part of the persons concerned. This view, which has become known as 'luck egalitarianism', has come to occupy a central place in recent debates about distributive justice. This book is the first full length treatment of this significant development in contemporary political philosophy. Each of (...)
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  25. Luck Egalitarianism.Carl Knight - 2013 - Philosophy Compass 8 (10):924-934.
    Luck egalitarianism is a family of egalitarian theories of distributive justice that aim to counteract the distributive effects of luck. This article explains luck egalitarianism's main ideas, and the debates that have accompanied its rise to prominence. There are two main parts to the discussion. The first part sets out three key moves in the influential early statements of Dworkin, Arneson, and Cohen: the brute luck/option luck distinction, the specification of brute luck in everyday or theoretical terms and the specification (...)
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    Francis Bacon's natural philosophy: a new source, a transcription of manuscript Hardwick 72A.Francis Bacon, Graham Rees, Christopher Upton & British Society for the History of Science - 1984 - British Society for the History of Science.
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  27. The Philosophical Works of Francis Bacon. Methodized, and Made English, From the Originals, with Occasional Notes, to Explain What is Obscure; and Shew How Far the Several Plans of the Author, for the Advancement of All the Parts of Knowledge, Have Been Executed to the Present Time.Francis Bacon, Peter Shaw, Robert Bristow & Edward George Geoffrey Smith Stanley Derby - 1733 - J.J. And P. Knapton [Etc.].
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    The Philosophical Works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount S. Albans, and Lord High Chancellor of England.Francis Bacon, Robert Leslie Ellis, James Spedding & J. M. Robertson - 1905 - G. Routledge & Sons.
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  29. Enough is too much: the excessiveness objection to sufficientarianism.Carl Knight - 2022 - Economics and Philosophy 38 (2):275-299.
    The standard version of sufficientarianism maintains that providing people with enough, or as close to enough as is possible, is lexically prior to other distributive goals. This article argues that this is excessive – more than distributive justice allows – in four distinct ways. These concern the magnitude of advantage, the number of beneficiaries, responsibility and desert, and above-threshold distribution. Sufficientarians can respond by accepting that providing enough unconditionally is more than distributive justice allows, instead balancing sufficiency against other considerations.
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    Aristotelian philosophy: ethics and politics from Aristotle to MacIntyre.Kelvin Knight - 2007 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    Aristotle is the most influential philosopher of practice, and Knight's new book explores the continuing importance of Aristotelian philosophy. First, it examines the theoretical bases of what Aristotle said about ethical, political and productive activity. It then traces ideas of practice through such figures as St Paul, Luther, Hegel, Heidegger and recent Aristotelian philosophers, and evaluates Alasdair MacIntyre's contribution. Knight argues that, whereas Aristotle's own thought legitimated oppression, MacIntyre's revision of Aristotelianism separates ethical excellence from social elitism and (...)
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  31.  32
    The Costs and Benefits of Animal Experiments.Andrew Knight - 2011 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Few ethical issues create as much controversy as invasive experiments on animals. Some scientists claim they are essential for combating major human disease, or detecting human toxins. Others claim the contrary, backed by thousands of patients harmed by pharmaceuticals developed using animal tests. Some claim all experiments are conducted humanely, to high scientific standards. Yet, a wealth of studies have recently revealed that laboratory animals suffer significant stress, which may distort experimental results. -Where, then, does the truth lie? -How useful (...)
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  32. An Argument for All‐Luck Egalitarianism.Carl Knight - 2021 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 49 (4):350-378.
    Luck egalitarianism is the view that equality requires the influence of luck on distributive outcomes to be neutralized. The standard version of the view, brute-luck egalitarianism, neutralizes brute luck (the upshot of non-declinable risks) while allowing option luck (the upshot of declinable risks) to stand. This article argues that this view should be rejected in favour of all-luck egalitarianism, which neutralizes brute luck and option luck alike. There are three parts to this overall argument. The first shows that brute-luck egalitarianism’s (...)
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  33. Abandoning the Abandonment Objection: Luck Egalitarian Arguments for Public Insurance.Carl Knight - 2015 - Res Publica 21 (2):119-135.
    Critics of luck egalitarianism have claimed that, far from providing a justification for the public insurance functions of a welfare state as its proponents claim, the view objectionably abandons those who are deemed responsible for their dire straits. This article considers seven arguments that can be made in response to this ‘abandonment objection’. Four of these arguments are found wanting, with a recurrent problem being their reliance on a dubious sufficientarian or quasi-sufficientarian commitment to provide a threshold of goods unconditionally. (...)
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  34. The Works of Francis Bacon, with Several Additional Pieces.Francis Bacon - 1740
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  35. Reflective Equilibrium.Carl Knight - 2017 - In Adrian Blau, Methods in Analytical Political Theory. Cambridge University Press. pp. 46-64.
    The method of reflective equilibrium focuses on the relationship between principles and judgments. Principles are relatively general rules for comprehending the area of enquiry. Judgments are our intuitions or commitments, ‘at all levels of generality’ (Rawls 1975: 8), regarding the subject matter. The basic idea of reflective equilibrium is to bring principles and judgments into accord. This can be achieved by revising the principles and/or the judgments. -/- I first look at normative political judgments (Section 2) before considering the role (...)
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  36. Aggregation and Deliberation: On the Possibility of Democratic Legitimacy.Jack Knight & James Johnson - 1994 - Political Theory 22 (2):277-296.
  37. Benefiting from Injustice and Brute Luck.Carl Knight - 2013 - Social Theory and Practice 39 (4):581-598.
    Many political philosophers maintain that beneficiaries of injustice are under special obligations to assist victims of injustice. However, the examples favoured by those who endorse this view equally support an alternative luck egalitarian view, which holds that special obligations should be assigned to those with good brute luck. From this perspective the distinguishing features of the benefiting view are (1) its silence on the question of whether to allocate special obligations to assist the brute luck worse off to those who (...)
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  38. Cheneval, Francis (2010). Lost in Universalization? On the Difficulty of Localizing the European Intellectual. In: Lacroix, Justine; Nicolaidis, Kalypso. European Stories: Intellectual Debates on Europe in National Contexts. Oxford: Oxford University Pres.Francis Cheneval, Justine Lacroix & Kalypso Nicolaidis (eds.) - 2010
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  39. Cheneval, Francis (2009). Multilateral Dimensions of Republican Thought. In: Besson, Samantha; Marti, José Luis. Republicanism and the Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 238-255.Francis Cheneval, Samantha Besson & José Luis Marti (eds.) - 2009
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  40. Roundtable on Epistemic Democracy and Its Critics.Jack Knight, Hélène Landemore, Nadia Urbinati & Daniel Viehoff - 2016 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 28 (2):137-170.
    On September 3, 2015, the Political Epistemology/ideas, Knowledge, and Politics section of the American Political Science Association sponsored a roundtable on epistemic democracy as part of the APSA’s annual meetings. Chairing the roundtable was Daniel Viehoff, Department of Philosophy, University of Sheffield. The other participants were Jack Knight, Department of Political Science and the Law School, Duke University; Hélène Landemore, Department of Political Science, Yale University; and Nadia Urbinati, Department of Political Science, Columbia University. We thank the participants for (...)
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    The Greek Particles.W. F. J. Knight & J. D. Denniston - 1938 - American Journal of Philology 59 (4):490.
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  42. In Defence of Luck Egalitarianism.Carl Knight - 2005 - Res Publica 11 (1):55-73.
    This paper considers issues raised by Elizabeth Anderson’s recent critique of the position she terms ‘luck egalitarianism’. It is maintained that luck egalitarianism, once clarified and elaborated in certain regards, remains the strongest egalitarian stance. Anderson’s arguments that luck egalitarians abandon both the negligent and prudent dependent caretakers fails to account for the moderate positions open to luck egalitarians and overemphasizes their commitment to unregulated market choices. The claim that luck egalitarianism insults citizens by redistributing on the grounds of paternalistic (...)
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  43. Egalitarian Justice and Expected Value.Carl Knight - 2013 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 16 (5):1061-1073.
    According to all-luck egalitarianism, the differential distributive effects of both brute luck, which defines the outcome of risks which are not deliberately taken, and option luck, which defines the outcome of deliberate gambles, are unjust. Exactly how to correct the effects of option luck is, however, a complex issue. This article argues that (a) option luck should be neutralized not just by correcting luck among gamblers, but among the community as a whole, because it would be unfair for gamblers as (...)
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  44. Responsibility and distributive justice.Carl Knight & Zofia Stemplowska (eds.) - 2011 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Under what conditions are people responsible for their choices and the outcomes of those choices? How could such conditions be fostered by liberal societies? Should what people are due as a matter of justice depend on what they are responsible for? For example, how far should healthcare provision depend on patients' past choices? What values would be realized and which hampered by making justice sensitive to responsibility? Would it give people what they deserve? Would it advance or hinder equality? The (...)
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  45. Resuscitatio, or, Bringing Into Pvblic Light Several Pieces of the Works, Civil, Historical, Philosophical, & Theological, Hitherto Sleeping, of the Right Honourable Francis Bacon Baron of Verulam, Viscount of Saint Alban. According to the Best Corrected Copies. Together, with His Lordships Life.Francis Bacon & William Rawley - 1661 - Printed by S. Griffin, for William Lee, and Are to Be Sold at His Shop in Fleetstreet, at the Signe of the Turks Head, Neer the Mitre Tavern.
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  46. The Works of Francis Bacon with Preface and Notes.Francis Bacon, Robert Leslie Ellis & James Spedding - 1986 - Routledge Dutton.
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    Degrees coded in jumps of orderings.Julia F. Knight - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (4):1034-1042.
  48.  28
    Review of Frank H. Knight: Intelligence and Democratic Action[REVIEW]Frank H. Knight - 1961 - Ethics 71 (3):224-226.
  49.  23
    Francis Bacon's Natural Philosophy, a New Source a Transcription of Manuscript Hardwick 72a with Translation and Commentary.Francis Bacon, Graham Rees & Christopher Upton - 1984
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    The philosophical works of Francis Bacon.Francis Bacon - 1905 - Freeport, N.Y.,: Books for Libraries Press. Edited by Robert Leslie Ellis, James Spedding & J. M. Robertson.
    Excerpt from The Philosophical Works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Albans, and Lord High-Chancellor of England, Vol. 3 of 3: Methodized, and Made English, From the Originals; With Occasional Notes, to Explain What Is Obscure; And Shew How Far the Several Plans of the Author, for the Advancement of All the Parts of Knowledge, Have Been Executed to the Present Time Ibe Nores occafionally added, we bope, will more fully open tbe De fign and Scope of (...)
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